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Notes CVT 完全声乐技术中文翻译

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Physiology 生理学结构


Neutral takes place at levels 1, 2, and 3.

  • On level 1 the vocal folds make the vibratory pattern.

  • On level 2 the ventricular folds retract to form an open space above the vocal folds.

  • On level 3 the petiole is moderately active and the epiglottis tilts forward.

  • 在第一层次,声带形成振动波。

  • 在第二层次,室带收起,形成一个在声带上方的开放空间。

  • 在第三层次,叶柄适度活跃,会厌向前倾斜。


Curbing takes place at levels 1, 2, and 3.

  • On level 1 the vocal folds make the vibratory pattern.

  • On level 2 the ventricular folds make a distinct narrowing from the sides to the middle.

  • On level 3 the arytenoid cartilages, cuneiform, epiglottis, and aryepiglottic folds create a moderate narrowing from the front and the back.

  • On level 3 the laryngeal tilt takes place (the thyroid cartilage tilts forward to stretch the vocal folds, while the other laryngeal gestures for the mode is maintained).

  • 在第一层次,声带形成振动波。

  • 在第二层次,室带从两侧向中间明显收拢,彼此距离大幅度变窄。

  • 在第三层次,杓状软骨、楔形软骨、会厌和杓状会厌襞褶皱从前方和后方中等幅度收窄。

  • 在第三层次,整个喉部向前倾斜,(甲状软骨向前倾斜拉伸声带,而该模式下其他典型的喉部动作保持不变。)


Overdrive takes place at levels 1, 2, and 3.

  • On level 1 the vocal folds make the vibratory pattern.

  • On level 2 the ventricular folds make a small narrowing from the sides to the middle.

  • On level 3 the arytenoid cartilages, cuneiform, epiglottis, and aryepiglottic folds create the narrowing from the front and the back.

  • 在第一层次,声带形成振动波。󠀲󠀧󠀩󠀧󠀨󠀤󠀳

  • 在第二层次,室带从两侧向中间略微收拢,彼此距离小幅度变窄。󠀲

  • 在第三层次,杓状软骨、楔形软骨、会厌和杓状会厌襞褶皱从前方和后方收窄。󠀲󠀧󠀩󠀧󠀨󠀦󠀳


Edge takes place at levels 1, 2, 3, and 4.

  • On level 1 the vocal folds make the vibratory pattern.

  • On level 2 the ventricular folds make a moderate narrowing from the sides to the middle.

  • On level 3 the arytenoid cartilages, cuneiform, epiglottis, and aryepiglottic folds create the large degree of narrowing from the front and the back along with the inwards rotation of the cuneiforms.

  • On level 3/4 the larynx is raised.

  • 在第一层次,声带形成振动波。

  • 在第二层次,室带从两侧向中间适度收拢,彼此距离中等幅度变窄。

  • 在第三层次,杓状软骨、楔形软骨、会厌和杓状会厌襞褶皱从前后部开始大幅度收窄,同时楔形软骨向内旋转。

  • 在第三、第四层次,喉位抬高。

Pulsation 声门周期


In the pulsation, the vocal folds come together more slowly, stay together only for a shorter period of time, and separate gradually before starting a new pulsation.



In the pulsation, the vocal folds come together somewhat quickly, stay together for a medium amount of time and separate gradually before starting a new pulsation.



In the pulsation, the vocal folds come together very quickly, stay together for longer, and separate slowly before starting a new pulsation.

在一个声门周期中,声带极快地靠拢,关闭相持续时间比 Curbing 模式更长,并在下个声门周期前慢慢地分离。


In the pulsation, the vocal folds come together very quickly, stay together for longer, and separate slowly before starting a new pulsation.

在一个声门周期中,声带极快地靠拢,关闭相持续时间比 Curbing 模式更长,并在下个声门周期前慢慢地分离。

Neutral with air

EGG 电声门图


In other words, Neutral has a low to medium-high contact quotient as measured by EGG with an often symmetrical or “bell-shaped” waveform.

换句话说,根据电声门图(EGG)测量,Neutral 模式的关闭商数为低至中高,波形通常呈对称或 “钟形”。


In other words, Curbing has a medium to high contact quotient as measured by EGG with a slightly left-skewed waveform with a medium-wide roll-off.

换句话说,根据电声门图(EGG)测量,Curbing 模式的关闭商数为中高,波形略向左倾,滚降范围中等


In other words, Overdrive has a high contact quotient as measured by EGG with a highly left-skewed waveform with a roll-off showing a pronounced “knee” or bump.

换句话说,根据电声门图(EGG)测量 Overdrive 模式的关闭商数为,波形高度左倾,滚降处有一个明显的 “拐点” 或凸起。


In other words, Edge has a high contact quotient as measured by EGG with a highly left-skewed waveform with the widest roll-off.

换句话说,根据电声门图(EGG)测量,Edge 模式的关闭商数为,波形高度左倾,滚降范围最大

Acoustic Spectrum 声乐频谱


Neutral is often seen on an acoustic spectrum with the first harmonic peak being the highest of the peaks with very little harmonic energy in the higher frequencies.

在声乐频谱中,Neutral 模式通常表现为第一谐波峰峰值最高,并且更高频率的谐波能量非常少


Curbing is often seen on an acoustic spectrum with the first harmonic peak being the highest of the peaks with only slightly increased harmonic energy and harmonic structure in the higher frequencies.

在声学频谱上,Curbing 模式往往表现为第一谐波峰峰值最高,而更高频率的谐波能量和结构仅比 Neutral 模式略有增加


Overdrive is often seen on an acoustic spectrum with the second harmonic peak being the highest of the peaks with more harmonic energy in the higher frequencies.

在声乐频谱中, Overdrive 模式通常表现为第二谐波峰峰值最高,而更高频率的谐波能量和结构具有更多的谐波能量。


Edge is often seen on an acoustic spectrum with the second or second and third harmonic peak(s) being the highest of the peaks with more harmonic energy and harmonic structure in the higher frequencies.

在声乐频谱中, Edge 模式通常表现第二或第二、三谐波峰峰值最高的,而更高频率的谐波能量和结构具有更多的谐波能量。

Neutral with air


062 Curbing – 概述 Curbing – an OverviewCVT 完全声乐技术中文翻译
5 分钟
071 Overdrive– 概述 an Overview CVT 完全声乐技术中文翻译
3 分钟
080 Edge – 概述 an Overview CVT 完全声乐技术中文翻译
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